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Board of Directors

CEKC's volunteer Board of Directors draws representation from across Klickitat and Skamania Counties, including leadership with experience in nonprofit, social services, healthcare, economic development, local government, and rural community organizing.

​Our Purpose​
  • CEKC provides support and services as a fiscal sponsor for community groups and organizations.

  • CEKC works as an advocate to help bring additional resources and programs to our local communities.

  • CEKC administers and disburses funds for community projects through accounts set up by the project developers.  

  • CEKC can help develop matching fund capacity for third party organizations.

  • CEKC communicates with other local, state and federal organizations and agencies to stay informed and up to date on changes in laws, policies and programs that affect rural communities.


In 2006 communities in Klickitat and Skamania Counties participated in the Washington State University Horizons Project.  The two-year program helped build leadership opportunities in rural communities in order to improve financial wellbeing for low-income residents. It was funded by the Northwest Area Foundation (NWAF) and administered by Washington State University Extension.

The Horizons Project ended with a challenge-using the leaderships skills learned, how can our rural communities continue building the capacity to help local organizations and families thrive and prosper?


It soon became apparent that what was needed was an organization able to provide fiscal sponsorship and the initial resources and supports to help small community projects, activities or events get up and running.

CEKC is that organization.

In December 2009, CEKC received non-profit status from the IRS and began working with groups and communities in Klickitat and Skamania County to support programs and projects that address local issues, interests and concerns.
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